Number of items: 24.
Journal Article
Wirdnam, Corina D; Warmus, Dawid; Faso, Carmen
Nourseothricin as a novel drug for selection of transgenic Giardia lamblia.
International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25(100543), p. 100543.
Jetishi, Clirim; Balmer, Erina A; Berger, Bianca M; Faso, Carmen; Ochsenreiter, Torsten
Expansion of metabolically labelled endocytic organelles and cytoskeletal cell structures in Giardia lamblia using optimised U-ExM protocols.
Microbial cell, 11, pp. 198-206.
Shared Science Publishers OG
Balmer, Erina A; Wirdnam, Corina D; Faso, Carmen
A core UPS molecular complement implicates unique endocytic compartments at the parasite-host interface in Giardia lamblia.
Virulence, 14(1), p. 2174288.
Taylor & Francis
Santos, Rui; Ástvaldsson, Ásgeir; Pipaliya, Shweta V; Zumthor, Jon Paulin; Dacks, Joel B; Svärd, Staffan; Hehl, Adrian B; Faso, Carmen
Combined nanometric and phylogenetic analysis of unique endocytic compartments in Giardia lamblia sheds light on the evolution of endocytosis in Metamonada.
BMC biology, 20(1), p. 206.
BioMed Central
Faso, Carmen; Hehl, Adrian B
Editorial: The Cell Biology of Protist Parasite-Host Interfaces.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 10, p. 866421.
Pipaliya, Shweta V.; Santos, Rui; Salas-Leiva, Dayana; Balmer, Erina A.; Wirdnam, Corina D.; Roger, Andrew J.; Hehl, Adrian B.; Faso, Carmen; Dacks, Joel B.
Unexpected organellar locations of ESCRT machinery in Giardia intestinalis and complex evolutionary dynamics spanning the transition to parasitism in the lineage Fornicata.
BMC biology, 19(1), p. 167.
BioMed Central
Balmer, Erina A.; Faso, Carmen
The Road Less Traveled? Unconventional Protein Secretion at Parasite–Host Interfaces.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 9, p. 662711.
Cernikova, Lenka; Faso, Carmen; Hehl, Adrian B.
Phosphoinositide-binding proteins mark, shape and functionally modulate highly-diverged endocytic compartments in the parasitic protist Giardia lamblia.
PLoS pathogens, 16(2), e1008317.
Public Library of Science
Cernikova, Lenka; Faso, Carmen; Hehl, Adrian B.
Roles of Phosphoinositides and Their binding Proteins in Parasitic Protozoa.
Trends in parasitology, 35(12), pp. 996-1008.
Elsevier Current Trends
Faso, Carmen; Hehl, Adrian B.
A cytonaut's guide to protein trafficking in Giardia lamblia.
Advances in Parasitology, 106, pp. 105-127.
Cernikova, Lenka; Faso, Carmen; Hehl, Adrian B.
Five facts about Giardia lamblia.
PLoS pathogens, 14(9), e1007250.
Public Library of Science
Hehl, Adrian B.; Faso, Carmen
Response to Zamponi et al.
Trends in parasitology, 32(2), p. 76.
Elsevier Current Trends
Rout, Samuel; Zumthor, Jon Paulin; Schraner, Elisabeth M; Faso, Carmen; Hehl, Adrian B
An Interactome-Centered Protein Discovery Approach Reveals Novel Components Involved in Mitosome Function and Homeostasis in Giardia lamblia.
PLoS pathogens, 12(12), e1006036.
Public Library of Science
Zumthor, Jon Paulin; Cernikova, Lenka; Rout, Samuel; Kaech, Andres; Faso, Carmen; Hehl, Adrian B
Static Clathrin Assemblies at the Peripheral Vacuole-Plasma Membrane Interface of the Parasitic Protozoan Giardia lamblia.
PLoS pathogens, 12(7), e1005756.
Public Library of Science
Grabliauskaite, Kamile; Saponara, Enrica; Reding, Theresia; Bombardo, Marta; Seleznik, Gitta M.; Malagola, Ermanno; Zabel, Anja; Faso, Carmen; Sonda, Sabrina; Graf, Rolf
Inactivation of TGFβ receptor II signalling in pancreatic epithelial cells promotes acinar cell proliferation, acinar-to-ductal metaplasia and fibrosis during pancreatitis.
Journal of pathology, 238(3), pp. 434-445.
Ebneter, Jacqueline A.; Heusser, Sally D.; Schraner, Elisabeth M.; Hehl, Adrian B.; Faso, Carmen
Cyst-Wall-Protein-1 is fundamental for Golgi-like organelle neogenesis and cyst-wall biosynthesis in Giardia lamblia.
Nature communications, 7(13859), p. 13859.
Nature Publishing Group
Wampfler, Petra B.; Faso, Carmen; Hehl, Adrian B.
The Cre/loxP system in Giardia lamblia: genetic manipulations in a binucleate tetraploid protozoan.
International journal for parasitology, 44(8), pp. 497-506.
Faso, Carmen; Konrad, Christian; Schraner, Elisabeth M.; Hehl, Adrian B.
Export of cyst wall material and Golgi organelle neogenesis in Giardia lamblia depend on endoplasmic reticulum exit sites.
Cellular microbiology, 15(4), pp. 537-553.
Faso, Carmen; Bischof, Sylvain; Hehl, Adrian B
The proteome landscape of Giardia lamblia encystation.
PLoS ONE, 8(12), e83207.
Public Library of Science
Conger, Renata; Chen, Yani; Fornaciari, Silvia; Faso, Carmen; Held, Michael A.; Renna, Luciana; Brandizzi, Federica
Evidence for the involvement of the Arabidopsis SEC24A in male transmission.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 62(14), pp. 4917-4926.
Oxford University Press
Faso, Carmen; Hehl, Adrian B
Membrane trafficking and organelle biogenesis in Giardia lamblia: use it or lose it.
International journal for parasitology, 41(5), pp. 471-480.
Vanderschuren, Hervé; Heinzmann, Dominik; Faso, Carmen; Stupak, Martin; Arga, Kazim Yalçin; Hoerzer, Helen; Laizet, Yech’an; Leduchowska, Paulina; Silva, Nádia; Šimková, Klára
A cross-sectional study of biotechnology awareness and teaching in European high schools.
New biotechnology, 27(6), pp. 822-828.
Faso, Carmen; Boulaflous, Aurelia; Brandizzi, Federica
The plant Golgi apparatus: last 10 years of answered and open questions.
FEBS letters, 583(23), pp. 3752-3757.
Faso, Carmen; Chen, Ya-Ni; Tamura, Kentaro; Held, Michael; Zemelis, Starla; Marti, Lucia; Saravanan, RamuSubramanian; Hummel, Eric; Kung, Leslie; Miller, Elizabeth; Hawes, Chris; Brandizzi, Federica
A missense mutation in the Arabidopsis COPII coat protein Sec24A induces the formation of clusters of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.
The Plant Cell, 21(11), pp. 3655-3671.
American Society of Plant Biologists
This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 15:32:38 2025 CET.